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Advice, Support & Useful information

We are always on hand to offer advice and support to families. This could be in relation to fussy eating, challenging behaviour, toilet training, separation anxiety, disturbed sleeping etc. 


We also support children and families whose first language is not English to enable their child to achieve across the curriculum.


At Cheeky Monkey's we strive to form good relationships with parents/carers and to work in partnership with them to ensure we can provide the best support we can for their child.  We support transitions; enabling children to transition to School confidently and happily. We support Parents, Carers and children throughout the whole process, from admission to transition. 


Sometimes the expertise of other professionals is needed to enable a child to progress. We support families in the referral to other agencies. We then follow advice to target the learning which will bring better outcomes for the child. A family may benefit from accessing specific services, we would complete An Early Help Assessment to enable them to give the support that is needed.


We have our SENDCo's Jasmine and Anita who are able to support all staff and parents with this area if needed.


Support for children with speech and language difficulties.

Home - Children's Speech and Language Therapy for Luton and Bedford (


The Children Centres offer a variety of services for children and their families. 

Home (



We have our SENDCO's Jasmine and Anita who is able to support all staff and families whose children have  additional and special educational needs. The Bedford Borough Local Offer  has a focus on children with special educational needs and/or disabilities, but also has a whole range of information for all families about services in Bedford Borough.


Bedford Local Offer



Tax-Free Childcare - GOV.UK

If you get Tax-Free Childcare, you’ll set up an online childcare account for your child. For every £8 you pay into this account, the government will pay in £2 to use to pay your provider.



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